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We spend approximately 33% of our lives asleep, but we don't really think about it until we can't sleep. Don't wait for that moment, invest in deep rest now! Here are our favorite and most studied sleep hacks for optimizing rest levels and living life like royalty.
Seven Ways to Improve Your Sleep
1. Vitamin D | 30 minutes of direct sunlight resets our brain's circadian rhythm, regulates our sleep wake cycle, and increases the production of melatonin.
2. Exercise daily | Our body and mind release stress via movement and sleep. The more we release stress during the day, the less we have to release at night.
3. Meditate | Similar to exercise, regular meditation gives our mind an outlet to release stress and settles our nervous system so that we can exist in a more restful state. This also means we're thinking less at night to process our day, thus falling asleep faster and reaching deeper levels of rest.
4. Limit screen time | LED and blue light disrupts our circadian rhythm and causes a stress to our nervous system.
5. Create rhythm | Especially if you are looking to get back on track, going to sleep and waking at predictable times will train your brain to wind down and fall asleep faster more consistently.
6. Limit caffeine | We all love our coffee and tea, but these sources of energy act as external influences that our body begins to rely on for its fuel. Limiting caffeine will help your body's energy levels balance out.
7. Find the right pillow | Last but not least, finding the right pillow for your sleeping type is essential for each firmness level that supports your spine and head in a different way. You can find your perfect pillow type via our chart below and other resources.

We spend approximately 33% of our lives asleep, but we don't really think about it until we can't sleep. Don't wait for that moment, invest in deep rest now! Here are our favorite and most studied sleep hacks for optimizing rest levels and living life like royalty.
Seven Ways to Improve Your Sleep
1. Vitamin D | 30 minutes of direct sunlight resets our brain's circadian rhythm, regulates our sleep wake cycle, and increases the production of melatonin.
2. Exercise daily | Our body and mind release stress via movement and sleep. The more we release stress during the day, the less we have to release at night.
3. Meditate | Similar to exercise, regular meditation gives our mind an outlet to release stress and settles our nervous system so that we can exist in a more restful state. This also means we're thinking less at night to process our day, thus falling asleep faster and reaching deeper levels of rest.
4. Limit screen time | LED and blue light disrupts our circadian rhythm and causes a stress to our nervous system.
5. Create rhythm | Especially if you are looking to get back on track, going to sleep and waking at predictable times will train your brain to wind down and fall asleep faster more consistently.
6. Limit caffeine | We all love our coffee and tea, but these sources of energy act as external influences that our body begins to rely on for its fuel. Limiting caffeine will help your body's energy levels balance out.
7. Find the right pillow | Last but not least, finding the right pillow for your sleeping type is essential for each firmness level that supports your spine and head in a different way. You can find your perfect pillow type via our chart below and other resources.