We live in an age when technology allows us to learn more about our purchasing decisions. We can make more informed choices based on our personal values. Most of us want assurances that our animal-derived food, clothing, and bedding are humanely sourced, and down products are no different. Are you... We live in an age when technology allows us to learn more about our purchasing decisions. We can make more informed choices based on our personal values. Most of us want assurances that our animal-derived food, clothing, and bedding are humanely sourced, and down products are no different. Are you...

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A partner who snores can lead to restless nights and daytime fatigue for both parties, and even fights between couples. While there are many proposed solutions to reduce snoring, one of the most common recommendations is to use a certain type of pillow – but how effective is this? Keep... A partner who snores can lead to restless nights and daytime fatigue for both parties, and even fights between couples. While there are many proposed solutions to reduce snoring, one of the most common recommendations is to use a certain type of pillow – but how effective is this? Keep...

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It turns out your sex drive has less to do with desire, and more to do with getting those zzz’s. Irregular sleep patterns lead to lower levels of testosterone which in turn reduces sex drive. Sleep deprivation affects men and women’s sex drives in many of the same ways (and a few... It turns out your sex drive has less to do with desire, and more to do with getting those zzz’s. Irregular sleep patterns lead to lower levels of testosterone which in turn reduces sex drive. Sleep deprivation affects men and women’s sex drives in many of the same ways (and a few...

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